Shutesbury Travels to the Feb 15 2003 Peace Rally in NYC

Pictures from the Feb 15 2003 Peace March in NYC

Gathering on the bus at Shutesbury Elementary School. The magic of buses with video. Taking the train to Rockefeller Center
feb15-01-on-the-bus.jpg feb15-02-videos-on-the-bus.jpg feb15-03-taking-the-train.jpg

Heading from Rockefeller Center to the rally on First Avenue. We were about 10 minutes behind the Western MA feeder march. Unfortunately up ahead the police have blocked our way and we can't get any closer than Third Avenue.

The crowds were for the most part very friendly. After we got to Third Avenue we just started slowly marching north.

A police officer told us the crowds on Third Avenue went on like this from 34th Street to 72nd Street. 38 blocks x 7000 people per block. That's over 250,000 people on Third Avenue.
feb15-04-heading-to-third.jpg feb15-05-crowds.jpg feb15-08-third-avenue.jpg

OK, now imagine that this crowd is also repeated on Second and First Avenues. That's alot of people!

In the midst of this mass of people we meet a friend from work who lives in Vermont!

At 66th Street a crowd pushed through the police barricade and a huge flow passed through to second Avenue.
feb15-09-third-avenue.jpg feb15-10-a friend-from-work.jpg feb15-12-66th-street.jpg

I only saw one person shoved by police but heard later about people being thrown down by police on horses.

Stephen Bannasch
106 Sand Hill Road, Shutesbury, MA 01072
413 259 9125
[email protected]